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All lures are buy 4 get the 5th free, no exceptions. 

We have a bargain Bar table, $100 a spreader Bar which represents up to 60% off

All combos are 10% off

We have the Team Goose 2024 set of custom Mahi ZCR rods and Accurate reels for 30% off, take them all to outfit your boat and get even more. Some never fished

Seaguar is buy 2 get one free

Bubba is buy a knife get some small shears for free

All clothing is 20% off

Time to buy a fishing reel as with import tariffs coming into play there is a fair chance they are to be going up by 15+% this spring, nows the moment to get your season order in


We will be offering a full boat outfitting service at the show with Capt Phil, Capt Scott and TD Phil. We have a full range of jig and pop, trolling 20 class thru 130’s for the big fish

The 2025 show

will return March 7-9, 2025  at the Rhode Island Convention center in Providence, Rhode Island.As always, the sponsorship of RISAA, the multitude of raffles and giveaways, the youth casting area and non-stop seminars bring large crowds of attendees.

Attending the show

Friday: 1 pm – 8 pmSaturday: 9 am – 7 pmSunday: 10 am – 5pm


Non-stop seminars by accomplished captains, authors and local sharpies will cover a variety of topics of interest.


With 300 booths, this is the largest show of it’s kind in the north east.  Covering everything including tackle, rods, reels, lures, electronics, charter guides, boats, motors, accessories, clothes and much more.Many of our exhibitors are offering exclusive Show Specials – come prepared to save some dollars.


The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association is a non-profit organization, created to provide a forum for recreational saltwater anglers;  to provide education to members concerning fishing techniques, improved catches, and overall enjoyment of fishing;  to foster sportsmanship;  to support marine conservation and sound management of fisheries resources;  and provide a unified voice to preserve and protect the rights, traditions and the future of recreational fishing in Rhode Island.



Established in 1997, the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association by-laws define our organization, and our membership subscribes to a code of ethics that guides our actions while fishing. As one of the largest saltwater fishing associations in the United States, our charter has now undergone nine revisions, and we remain confident that we will continue to evolve with our fisheries.



The organization is lead by a board of directors with six officers and six directors. We have a number of committees focused on specific initiatives or forms of fishing – the names of the groups and contact information is available below.



We maintain cooperative relationships with many fishing-oriented groups, and have an active list of suppliers in RI and the vicinity offering member discounts.



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