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Fishing for Stocked Trout on Cape Cod


Fishing for trout is a first rite of spring for many Cape Codders. Every year, somewhere between mid-March and early April when the ice melts away, the weather (kind of) warms up, early spring flowers begin to bloom, the many decades-old tradition of springtime trout stocking begins on select local ponds. Whether on the first nice day or some days after, early spring trout fishing usually signals the start of another fishing season for hundreds of anglers on Cape Cod. What gets stocked can range from plump, colorful brookies to feisty rainbow trout...with a few browns and tigers thrown in for good measure.Many a great Cape Cod fisherman started their fishing career fishing for stocked trout in their youth.

Of course, this is not the same kind of trout fishing you might experience in some of the trophy sections of some of our famous rivers in the northeast, but it does provide cabin fever stricken anglers with a bonanza of 14- to 18-inch fish that are generally super willing to take a variety of baits and lures and give us a great bit of sport to shake the wintertime rust off before the schoolie stripers become cooperative. It is , by design, a " put and take" fishery, so you should keep what you catch. Some tasty trout fillets smoked up in a Big Chief and the chance for the rare breeder 4 lb'er they sometimes throw in, make this a worthwhile early spring pursuit for many Cape anglers.

Some hardy Cape Codders fish year-round on open or frozen waters during the winter months. But for many, the first 40+ degree day after stocking is the beginning of the new fishing season.

Trout Fishing Tackle You Need

Rarely will stocked trout meet or exceed the 20-inch mark, so almost all of your early spring trout fishing can be done with pretty light spinning tackle. In most Cape Cod ponds and lakes, a moderate action five- to six-foot rod will suffice. You can pair that up with just about any 500-1000 series reel - sophisticated , high end drag systems not required. Lines should be 4-6 lb mono( the lighter the better if you can still see the knots with 4 lb test). TrileneXL is a great choice . A higher quality limp, castable line makes for easier casting, less tangles and will launch small 1/8 spinners, spoons, or other lures a respectable distance.

Over the years, I have found that the shorter ultralight rods tend to work best on Cape Cod because water levels are high and backcasting needs to be done with very little room to the brushy bank behind. At the Goose, our go to is the Goose classic rod teamed with a matching spinning reel for this reason. For greater distance on the cast, you can fish a slightly longer rod.

Because these fish are straight from the hatchery, many fisherman like to fish manufactured baits, like Berkley Powerbait in various colors the first week or so after stocking. I prefer to cast either spinners, spoons or flies . As far as spoons and spinners goes, the go to standards are the Thomas spoons and Roostertail spinners in 1/8 oz size, these two lures can catch you a limit of trout in just about any pond you end up at. Don’t overlook the Swedish Pimples of ice-fishing fame as a “straight-retrieve” option for stockers. We’ve had our best success with silver in the mornings and gold in the afternoons.

If you are trolling, some of the lighter spinners are another option. Panther Martin, and the old fashioned Joes’ Flies are always in our early spring tackle box. Sizes range from number-zero to number-two and gold, silver, and black blades again shine and attract these hatchery fish. Don’t be afraid to try an odd polka-dot or striped pattern as some days they will pound something completely "loud" colored. Additionally, we have found that bigger blades and bigger spinners don’t necessarily attract bigger trout. Most trophy fish tend to choose a smaller lure than a large one, perhaps because they are habituated to feeding on the small protein pellets at the hatchery.Traditionally, the fish will be in the top three to four feet of the water column, looking for insects or remaining conditioned to the pellet feeding schedule they were on at the hatchery.

Fly Fisherman?: wooly buggers, wooly buggers and more wooly buggers. Olive and black , size 8, please.

Although they fish great on a floating or intermediate line in early spring, there are some folks that swear by the low and slow approach with a Type 6 full sinking line.

If you aren't a fly fisherman, these can sometimes be fished successfully on a spinning rod with a small clear bobber.

Stocked Trout Fishing Tactics

When our ponds and lakes are initially stocked, fish, at first, tend to hold very near to the initial area they were dropped in, but then spread out slowly over time. However, In heavily pressured ponds it pays to be mobile and stay on the move until you locate fish. Schools of fish that get pounded on with fishing pressure will begin to scatter. Many times the trout will be on the move themselves in a circular route around the entire pond or cove you are fishing in and you may catch more fish by staying put. I can't count how many times I have made a move after a half hour of no action only for the bite to start where I was standing just moments after arriving at new spot.

By utilizing a variety of lures locating fish should not take too long, and keep in mind that the majority of these fish are going to be active feeders at certain points in the day.

Some anglers prefer to relax and fish Power Bait, night crawlers or salmon egg options still on the bottom on a egg-sinker slip style bottom rig. The effectiveness of this style of fishing cannot be denied....particularly just post stocking. However, it pays to note that almost all bait-caught trout swallow those hooks deeply and are not likely to make it long after release.

Most bait anglers use number 8 or number10 baitholder hooks and bury them in a small pellet of Power Bait, fishing them still on the bottom. Remember to dry your hands off well before putting Powerbait on a hook. Applying with wet hands makes it a near certainty the nugget will come right off during your cast....

The powerful scent and wide range of attractor colors of these baits come in are ringing dinner bells to hatchery trout and remain a staple for the catch and keep crowd.

Yet another technique is to drift any variety of synthetic or preserved baits on floats along with the wind to cover water and pinpoint active fish. Our standout for this pattern is the Berkley Power Trout Worms in pink or orange. Using a 1/64th ounce jig head, simply thread the two-inch worm wacky-style and suspend it below your favorite panfish bobber. Allow the wind to push your worm throughout open spaces and nooks and crannies for those hungry trout.

Almost all of the towns on Cape Cod all have at least one body of stocked trout water to provide fisherman with a month or longer period of action until the Striper fishing starts in earnest.

Check back often to for specific stocking dates of the various ponds.We will be updating site daily around mid March with new fishing and stocking reports.

Then, buckle up for some of the early season action .

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