March fishing never starts with a resounding bang, but rather a series of soft, hopeful whispers. The first harbinger of the kick off to the new fishing season will be rumours of stocking truck sightings at the various ponds where they do such a thing.
Generally, the stocking trucks begin to roll in the last two weeks of March. We will post on this site when our sources confirm where and when the first stockings have actually occurred.
I never actually feel badly about paying the freshwater fishing license fee when I first experience the quantity and quality of the stocking job the state does in our local ponds in March. The 30 some odd bucks is almost always worth the price of admission. Now, alot of guys like to wait until the stocking trucks begin making their rounds because it's a surer bet- but don't let that stop you from pre-fishing the stocking. The holdover trout will not be as numerous, but there are some lunkers to be had right after ice out. These fish are fully acclimated to being in the pond and feed normally and naturally. The newly stocked fish usually take days or weeks to come off their hatchery feeding schedule and dietary preferences.
What will you need to catch these newly stocked trout? At first, bait is the way to go. Whether you use a manufactured bait like Berkley Power Bait or the classics like nightcrawlers, meal worms and salmon eggs, newly stocked fish will be habituated to eating these kinds of things. As the air and water temps start to edge towards the 50's at the end of the month, you can tote out your spinners, spoons and flies to great effect and success.
Whether you will be able to enjoy early season fishing in March will almost solely be a function of your choice in fishing
apparel. March fishing is generally a shore based affair and some measure of wade fishing is usually part of the equation. If you aren't appropriately outfitted for that, it will be miserable.
You need two things to be comfortable fishing in March- good neoprene waders with an insulated boot and water proof/ water resistant fingerless gloves. For me, once any extremity or digits get cold, the clock is ticking on the length of the fishing excursion. For fishing Cape Cod in the spring, the most important piece of gear you can own are good quality neoprene waders. Our most popular and best selling are the FROGG TOGGS AMPHIB NEOPRENE CHEST WADER.
On the saltwater front, it will be very quiet in March. At the end of the month, the first herring scouts will be entering our saltwater rivers to perform their annual spawning duties. A good place to begin checking for them is Bells Neck Rd in Harwich. It's easy to see them in this run and you have the added bonus of a Bald Eagle and Osprey sighting. When these birds of prey start working the river, it's a sure sign that spring is right around the corner and the stripers will begin piling in!