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Tired of being stuck fishing on shore? Try a fishing kayak!


When you are a beach fisherman and fishing has dried up from shore, the idea of getting into a boat and back into the action is a very enticing notion. But power boating can be a big investment in time, logistics and finances. If there was only a way of getting offshore for relatively short money and the craft was light enough to be manageable by one person...

There is: there has been an explosion in recent years in some amazing fishing kayak designs that can get you offshore in style, stability and fishing comfort. And, as luck would have it, Goose Hummock carries some of the best of them.

In this article, we will highlight how to choose the best fishing kayak for your needs and address some of the frequently asked questions folks have that are new to the notion of kayak fishing.

How to choose the right fishing kayak...

Which fishing kayak is the best choice for you is a function of deciding where you think you will be using it most often: still freshwater ponds ? Salt water rivers with a strong current? Gentle back bays and harbors? Or, do you need a boat that will be up to the task of comfortably fishing the ocean on a nice day with light swells and chop? What weight and size can you comfortably manage for loading , unloading and launching by yourself?

The guys and gals at the Goose Hummock Outdoor Center are all experienced kayakers and would love to assist you in getting you into a boat that meets most or all of your needs.

Like most things fishing, a one size fits all solution can be hard to come by, but there is a best choice for the type of fishing you will be doing the most. Before you begin shopping for a fishing kayak, you need to decide in what scenarios you want this boat to excel and where you can settle for just "servicible".

What Kayak Style is Best for Fishing on Cape Cod?

Pedal kayaks are the Goose Hummocks best selling fishing kayaks the past few seasons because not having to deal with a long paddle in your hands while you are trying to fish is a really good thing.. The Goose carries a number of options in pedal-drive kayaks in the Old Town ePDL series. Now, they don't give the pedal kayaks away- they are generally more expensive than traditional paddle driven. And, for the convenience of not having to paddle, you will trade out weight and ease of loading and unloading. However, it should be said , anyone that does alot of kayak fishing, usually ultimately ends up in a pedal drive.


What’s the most stable fishing kayak?

Kayaks have a reputation for being a little unstable and " tippy". That can sometimes be true for traditional touring kayaks. If your first experience in a kayak was a touring boat, it will probably be hard to imagine being able to comfortably and safely fishing out of one. Todays Fishing kayak designs are shockingly stable in comparison to touring kayaks. Fishing kayaks are wider and sport hull designs specifically designed for stability. However, stability and fishability can vary wildly from manufacturer to manufacturer. The Goose has chosen the Old Town Sportsman series because we thin it offers the best stability and fishability in its price class.

Speed vs Stability?

There are exceptions, but the length of a kayak, usually translates into faster kayak. For a fishing kayak, most fisherman show a decided preference for ease of transport, agility and weight reduction of a smaller boat over speed. The most popular length of a fishing kayak at the Goose? 12 feet. At that size, it's fast enough, but easy to deal with and fish in.

Stand Up Fishing?

On some models and for some people, stand up fishing on a kayak designed for it. Widthand stability of the kayak and your general strength, conditioning and stability will determine whether this is a feasible option for you.

Installing Fishing Electronics on a kayak

Most of the Old Town models we carry have spaces and bracketing to accomodate fishing electronics like fish finders, etc.

What does a fishing kayak usually weigh?

there is no way around it Fishing kayaks can be much heavier than traditional kayaks. But manageble by most people with a reasonable degree of fitness and conditioning.Most come in at just over the 100 pound mark. Be realistic in your ability to deal with a boat that is 12 feet and 100 pounds. Loading and offloading from pickup truck bed or on a kayak trailer is very manageble for most folks. Car topping on a roof rack can be difficult on you and your car unless you have a fishing buddy or a lift assist device like the Thule Hullavator.

If your launch site is a long carry or drag from your vehicle , a Suspenz wheeled cart will make life alot easier.

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