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Commonly Caught Species on Cape Cod

Striped Bass
Striped bass is our most sought-after species, providing great sport through catch and release fishing and great eating when you catch a “keeper”. Striped bass is one of the largest fish available to the nearshore angler. Fish range from 1 pound to over 60 pounds.
Location: Whole coast surf, inshore bars, reefs, tide-rips, bays, and estuaries.
Season: Mid April-October
Baits and Lures: Seaworms, eels, squid, herring; jigs, plugs, spinners, spoons.
Methods and Tackle: Casting from shore, boat-trolling; light to heavy tackle.

Black Sea Bass
The migratory black sea bass is a tasty fish arriving in our near shore waters in the late spring. These fish also have a peculiar life cycle—the majority begin life as females and then change to males at around three years of age.
Location: South side of Cape Cod, Buzzards Bay to Rhode Island border and a few are found in Cape Cod Bay. Fish for them around bottom structure such as reefs, rocks, and wrecks.
Season: May-September
Baits and Lures: Cut squid, clams, green crabs.
Methods and Tackle: Bottom fish from a boat.

“Tog”, “white chin” and “black fish” are all common nicknames for this fish. Tautog are very slow growing compared to most fish and do not migrate far from where they originate but move inshore in the spring and offshore in the winter.
Location: Whole coast, rocky bottoms inshore, bays, harbors, jetties, breakwaters.
Season: April-November
Baits and Lures: Crabs, clams, all shellfish.
Methods and Tackle: Still-fishing from boat or shore, medium action spinning or conventional rod, 20-30 lb test line.

Bluefish are usually ravenous and will strike at just about anything you give them. Watch out for those teeth! They average around 3-7 pounds along the coast and tend to be larger just offshore in the rips. The juveniles, referred to as “snappers,” can be found in the estuaries and are fun to catch with light tackle. In all cases, they put up an excellent fight all the way to your boat or shore.
Location: Whole coast surf, inshore bars, tide rips, bays, and estuaries.
Season: June-mid October
Baits and Lures: All small bait fish, jigs, spoons, plugs, spinners, flies.
Methods and Tackle: Casting from shore or boat (you may want to use a wire leader) with spin and fly fishing gear, trolling.

Sharpen your reflexes because these small tunas are fast and fun to catch. Watch for feeding schools where there will be jumpers. For a quick identification, look for dark bands running the length of the fish above the lateral line and a silvery belly.
Location: Southern Cape Cod and the Islands, rarely north of Cape Cod.
Season: Late July-October
Baits and Lures: Strip baits, squid, small jigs, spoons, plugs, flies.
Methods and Tackle: Spinning gear, bait casting, light boat rods, trolling, fly fishing.

Tunas: Bluefin (top) and Yellowfin (below)
All the tunas are very swift swimmers, provide a thrilling and sometimes backbreaking fight and are literally hot blooded. The giant bluefin tuna is the biggest and most lucrative of the tunas in our waters and thus creates much competition amongst fishermen. Yellowfin are commonly caught in near offshore waters as are albacore.
Location: Offshore east of North Shore, Cape Cod Bay, East of Cape Cod, South of Islands, offshore in Canyons
Season: Late June-October
Baits and Lures: Bait fish used with chum slick; plastic squids, multi-squid rigs, daisy chains, jigs, artificial lures
Methods and Tackle: Trolling, chunk baits with chum; medium to heavy tackle

Summer Flounder (Fluke)
Fighting ability and fine flavor highlight this flatfish. The upper surface of the summer flounder head faces left. They also have prominent teeth to assist with their aggressive predatory behavior. Larger fluke are referred to as “doormats”. Target sandy or muddy bottom along with fast moving rips that contain debris and bait fish.
Location: South side of Cape Cod, Islands, Cape Cod Bay, Buzzards Bay.
Season: May-September
Baits and Lures: Minnows, squid strips, clams, shrimp; spinners, jigs.
Methods and Tackle: Drift-fishing, troll, chum, still fish, casting.

False Albacore (Little Tunny)
False albacore are very similar to bonito - fast, fun and sometimes a bit tricky to catch. However, unlike bonito, they make poor table fare.
Location: Mostly warmer waters of the south side of Cape Cod and the Islands.
Season: Late July-October
Baits and Lures: Same as for bonito
Methods and Tackle: Same as for bonito
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